How To Define Your Core (And Why To, Too)

Did you know that the largest apple on record weighed four pounds?

Whenever I hear people use terms like, “core purpose,” “core values,” or “core competencies,” I always think of an apple core. Not because I have some deep analogy in mind. I’m just hungry a lot.  

But maybe there is a fruitful analogy there.

These three “core” elements provide a strong and stable structure to support the whole organization. They also protect the seeds that help the organization grow.

Core Purpose

Everyone in the org should be able to clearly articulate why your organization exists and why it matters, ideally using the same few words. There are no fancy structures or processes that can create alignment if everyone isn’t clear on this.

Core Values

Did you know that organizations with well-defined and genuine core values often have an easier time adapting to change? When faced with difficult decisions or uncertain environments, they have a clear framework to guide their actions.

Core Competencies

They’re only core competencies if they are 1) unique when taken together, 2) true across all areas, and 3) adding meaningful mission value. Identify them. Train and hire to them and nurture them.

With these three things in place, your organization will have a nice, fibrous core to support your growth.

Have a great week!


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