Leadership Lessons From Mom💐

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend!

In her prime, my mom was superhuman.

She was a teacher during the week, cleaned offices on the weekend, and even took on summer jobs to support my sister and me. She knew when I was lying, when I was hurting, and when I was taking the easy way out. She was somehow strict, playful, compassionate, fierce, vulnerable, and principled all at once.

Ten years ago, I read that the best leaders know how to blend strength and warmth. I knew immediately what that looked like thanks to my mom.

Over the years, I’ve seen and worked with leaders who have a strength deficit or a warmth deficit (or both). I’ve also been a leader with one or both of those deficits, depending on when you catch me. Thankfully, I’ve also worked with leaders who seem to know just how to integrate the two.

I think of warmth as the collection of behaviors that emerge from a desire to support, involve, trust, and respect others. I think of strength as the collection of behaviors that emerge from a desire to act with courage, competence, integrity, and foresight.

These pair well together because they allay two common fears: 1) the fear that the leader doesn’t want me to succeed; and 2) the fear that they can’t create the conditions within which I can succeed.

If you’re reading this, you’re probably trying to lead some kind of change in the world. The next time you find yourself facing a tough situation, ask yourself what the right blend of strength and warmth might look like.

My mom is not in her prime anymore. But her unique blend of strength and warmth still shines through, reminding me of the kind of person I’d like to be.

Here’s to all the great examples of leadership that have shaped you into who you are! 🥂


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